I went back to work today, and I was not at all happy about it. I thought that it wouldn’t be too bad, they are aware that I am in no condition to do anything strenuous, and did not ask it of me. I just had no idea how difficult it would be to stand up for that long. Since I first had the injury on Saturday I don’t think I have stood up for more than ten minutes at a time. I had to work from noon to eight today, and that is a hell of a lot more than ten minutes.
I took my muscle-relaxant pills and lots of ibuprofin to work with me, as well as the neck brace, just in case. I really didn’t want to have to use the muscle relaxants, and I didn’t, not that I didn’t have to, just that I didn’t. I am sure it would have been a lot easier if I had taken one, but I have only been taking them while I sleep so far and I was a bit worried about what may happen if I were to take one when I needed to be alert. I did take 1800 milligrams of Ibuprofin over those eight hours, but it was hardly enough, as my head was throbbing the whole time.
The way it works is when my neck has been in pain for a while, say half an hour or so, the pain slowly makes its way into my head, by the time that happens it will take another half an hour or so for the Ibuprofin to kick in. Had I taken one of the muscle relaxants the pain would never have gotten to become a head-ache ( I dont think anyway ) and it would have been good, but I might also have appeared to be slobbering drunk for all I know.
I would really have liked to work my way back in there slowly, not start right off with a full day, but the boss had an appointment that would have required rescheduling if I was not able to work that shift, and honestly I really need the hours, it is not like I am independently wealthy. It looks like I will only be working around four hours on Thursday and Friday and hopefully by Saturday I will feel well enough that an eight hour shift doesn’t feel like about three hours longer than eternity. Time will tell.
I am sure this all makes for absolutely riveting reading, or not. It is like I once told Flux over at BlackChampagne, I often feel compelled to write, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that what I write will be compelling.
There is absolutely nothing in the news that I find worth adding my comments to today, well at least not in this arena. I also have nothing else to type about so this will be a short one.
I have decided on something else to put on my sidebar though. It is gonna be a song, one that was not really popular like ever, but one that I absolutely loved for one reason or another. I am not going to link to mp3.com with them since I am sure you know a better way to get it if you really want it 😉 , but I will try to find someplace where you can at least get a sample of the song.
That is all for today.