With the neck no longer bothering me, I was able to get project second pancake to this crucial stage. All parts from the trees are now in place with the exception of some of the chrome and the windows. I’ve been applying decals along the way, so there will be little left to do once I have those in place. As with project first pancake, the most disappointing part of this one is going to be the body paint. I had such high hopes in the beginning… I just overshot my skill level in choosing a car with so much chrome for my second go around. I should have gone with something much more mundane. Oh well, you live you learn.
The interior on second pancake is far and away the best feature. From the dashboard features to the two-tone trim and even the decals, this turned out really good. Rather than beating myself up for totally fucking up on the body, I really should be congratulating myself on how well I pulled of the interior. That’s not the way my brain works, though.
The rolling chassis now completely assembled, there are a lot of things I could be pleased with: The engine compartment detail also looks very good. The weathering I did for the radiator came out very well. Those tiny decals for the wheel center hubs (not to mention the one for the center of the steering wheel from the interior photo) look great and were a huge pain in the ass to install -the wheels have an embossed Oldsmobile logo that matches the image on the decals. While you can’t see it from the photos, lining up the edges was a real challenge. A challenge that I don’t even think would have been possible without the use of Micro Set
and Micro Sol
. The tiny size and the contours just wouldn’t allow for a simple water bath to make the decals pliable enough to put in place. After using the micro set, it took another four or five applications of micro sol to get them to really sink in.
Now that the rolling chassis is all outfitted, it looks pretty darn good.
I got the interior painted tonight also, so all I have left to do is install the chrome and glass. Since the boy is more or less a lost cause, I’m going to apply the chrome in the factory finish. If my paint looked a bit better, I would probably take the time to do it in Bare Metal Foil. Since this one is now deemed a ‘pancake’, that seems like a waste of time. Hopefully I’ll have the glass and chrome in place by this time next week so I can get started on the Corvette model the wife got me for Valentine’s day.